Magical Marketing Blog

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This Blog is Moving

Hi Friends, I'm moving this blog to
Please follow me there, subscribe and share this new blog address with friends and colleagues who want to attract their most perfect customers magically!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Do You Really Want?

Some Questions to Help You Attract Rather Than React

Are you too focused on what's happening right now in your business to think about what you really want? Sometimes when work gets busy and I'm putting out fires and getting stuff done, the next thing I know it's the end of the day and I have excercise and dinner to think about. Does this happen to you? So when do you get think about what you really want long enough to create it? I often ask myself this very question.

All the great mentors of the last century have reminded us that manifestation begins in the realm of thought. We must think about the results we want if we desire to achieve those results in the real world. It is important for us to line up with and expect what we want, and clarifying our desires is the first step.

Here are some questions you can sit down and answer to direct your intention toward what you want. Feel free to post your answers in the comments section below so we can all hold your intentions with you.

What kinds of customers do you want to attract?

What are they like?

What do they say to you?

How do they find you?

What is your experience working with them?

What services and/or products do you love to offer to them?

How many customers do you desire to work with every month?

What resources do you desire for the fulfillment of your business goals?

What kind of income do you want to attract?

What is your desired experience of life?

What else do you want?

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you do not edit the article and you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps people attract their perfect customers with a unique combination of Law of Attraction, wildly attractive logos and websites, and smart Internet marketing techniques. If you're ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia's free Magical Marketing Toolkit at

Monday, April 6, 2009

Do You Love Blogging Yet?

Blogging from the Heart is Fun, Fulfilling and Attracts Perfect Customers

Are you blogging yet, or are you just resisting the inevitable? Remember the olden days when you didn't even have to have a website to be considered a real business? Those days are way gone. So now that you (hopefully) have a great website that truly speaks your passion and attracts your perfect customers, you thought maybe you could sit back and field calls all day?

Well, that *could* happen, and I do believe in magic, but truth be told, most people have to market their websites if they want to attract perfect customers from the web. Blogging and bookmarking your posts from social networks is the #1 way to improve your site ranking and create site popularity, so put on your blogging hat!

Discovering Your Magical Keywords

If we must blog, and blog as often as possible (Google rewards fresh, new content) then we want to blog in a way that is fun and fulfilling for us. Also, since we are concerned with being recognized by our most perfect customers, we want to be sure to share what is most important to us, and to use keywords that are not only logical descriptions of our offerings, but also reflective our our mission and message. We understand that our perfect customers are attracted by our unique flair.

Using our chosen keywords in a variety of blog posts and linking to and from our websites will help our ranking for those words. When we choose words reflective of our purpose, blogging becomes a fulfilling and even transformative process that connects us with our life purpose and attracts our most perfect customers to us.

What Makes You Tick?

I suggest that you tap into what really makes you tick, and relate that to your offering in writings directed to your perfect customers. It's not all about selling your products and services, it's about connecting with other people of like mind and like heart and exploring how you can contribute to each other. These are the kinds of connections that foster positive, conscious business relationships. When you think about the result of your blog post, how you will be helping people with authentic shares about things you feel are important, then blogging becomes a fun medium for self exploration.

I am asking you to blog your heart out, my friends. Blog far and wide and create a niche for yourself that is reflective of your true life mission, then watch that telephone light up with your most perfect customers.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps people attract their perfect customers with a unique combination of Law of Attraction, wildly attractive logos and websites, and smart Internet marketing techniques. If you're ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia's free Magical Marketing Toolkit at

Saturday, March 21, 2009

To Tweet or Not to Tweet ~ I Confess My Twitter Sins and Answer this Age Old Question

by Julia D. Stege, MFA

It's Twitter's birthday. The social network is three years old today. At 8 million strong, Twitter is a force to be reckoned with in the online marketing community. It's getting to the point where you cannot afford to ignore the little bird any longer.

I am going to come clean with you. The past few months I haven't really been on Twitter at all. I was pinging posts from to all my social networks and not logging on to see what was up in the twitterverse. I was kind of blocked, a one way tweeter without the bandwith to watch all those disjointed conversations streaming past my screen.

I was in love with Facebook anyway.

Even though they're often lumped together, Twitter is a totally other universe from Facebook, and I was grooving on the Facebook friendly. On Facebook you get to see great pictures and tag each other in pics and notes and easily see what's up with each other in a variety of forums, catch up with old friends, and play fun games, that in addition to all the cool marketing tools you can use on Facebook. It's not called 'crackbook' for nothing! It is addicting. I read on Mari Smith's blog that the average Facebook member spends 20 minutes a day on the network. That's a lot of time for a website which translates into a captive audience like none we have ever seen.

But back to Twitter. As I said, I was a one way tweeter. I only sent out messages and didn't read the ones coming in. Looking back on it, I'd have to say it was poor networking etiquette. I don't just go to a networking lunch and say my pitch without listening to and responding to other people, and the social networks are just an extension of the live networks I attend. OK, I'll forgive myself, now that I know better.

You see a couple of things happened to change everything. First, my RL (real life) buddy, Karen Clark (@funfelt), told me she has over 3,000 Twitter followers she's attracted by RT (re-tweeting) other folks' tweets and being an all around tweeterific gal! I'm intregued, but don't know who to RT!

Then I got a VA (Virtual Assistant = Sherene Alexis Curley @VASherene ) who introduced me to a boatload of Twitter apps and explained some basics to me, the most important of which was 1) how to magically unfollow everyone in my list who wasn't following me, and 2) learning what the hey a #hashtag is so I can find and follow simpatico friends.

Now I'm in #Hashtag Heaven!

I knew that a tag was a way to mark a topic with a keyword, but I didn't realize that you could follow and contribute to specific Twitter conversations using #hashtags. First I followed @hashtag on twitter, then I visited and put in a search for various phrases, like #loa (law of attraction) and #fb (facebook) to see not only what people are saying about these topics, but who's saying them. This is a way to find and follow and then RT the most eloquent tweeters in the topics I'm passionate about.

This is great because now I can tweet on topic, and I can click to follow folks based on our common interests and build a more authentic network of like minded people. What a relief. Now I just spent 3 hours on Twitter to commemorate Twitter's 3rd birthday and I'm feeling the love!

So my answer to the title of this post is a resounding YES. I have been reborn as a tweeter. Follow me at and I'll tweet you to heaven too.

? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps people attract their perfect customers with a unique combination of Law of Attraction, wildly attractive logos and websites, and smart Internet marketing techniques. If you're ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia's free Magical Marketing Toolkit at See Julia's Law of Attraction Marketing Blog at

Is Your Marketing Uplifting?

I'm a pretty sensitive gal, and it hurts me to see so many people freaking out these days. According to the news, most Americans are experiencing a lot of fear and stress over current events. This is made even worse by a fear-mongering trend in media and advertising. I want to counter that trend with a bit of inspiration.

I want to thrive just as I want my prospects and customers to thrive. But thriving depends on maintaining a positive outlook and achieving happiness no matter what's going on in the world. To contribute to the thriving of my contacts, prospects and customers, I must maintain an uplifting spirit and send out only positive, inspiring messages to them in my conversations, my ezines, blog posts, and social media updates.

What can you do to help uplift your prospects and customers right now?

1) Understand their Challenges: To help uplift your prospects and customers you first want to learn what their challenges and problems are, and meet them there. You will want to ask them what they're dealing with and start noticing trends. You can survey your elist and/or folks registering for your free classes regarding their biggest challenge. You will give people an immediate feeling of relief just by asking, and if you can offer hope of a solution, your customers will start feeling better right away.

2) Offer Words of Encouragement: Let your prospects and customers know they aren't alone in their suffering. Offer examples of those who have overcome similar obstacles, and encourage your peeps to be confident. Inspire them with stories of success from you and/or your mentors.

3) Give Away Effective Tips: Offer your contacts free tips through your ezine, social networks, articles, and free teleclasses / podcasts. Give them enough information to help them to get moving in the direction of their goals and dreams. Consider the information you normally exchange with all your customers at the beginning of your relationship, and see if you can develop that into a free offering that helps people whether they hire you or not.

4) Develop Inspiring Articles - whatever uplifts you will likely uplift your peeps too. Write about what uplifts you and send it out to your contacts. If even just one or two people are helped by your article, it can start a viral campaign of sharing. You will become known as an uplifter and your popularity will grow.

GOT UPLIFTING TIPS OF YOUR OWN? Please post your comments by clicking "Comments" below. We'd all love to hear your ideas.

You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps people attract their perfect customers with a unique combination of Law of Attraction, wildly attractive logos and websites, and smart Internet marketing techniques. If you're ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia's free Magical Marketing Toolkit at
See Julia's Law of Attraction Marketing Blog at

Monday, March 2, 2009

Don't Believe the Hype!

I think the worst thing about hypey marketing trends is that they rob people of an opportunity to connect to what really matters. Marketing can be a platform for both sharing and receiving pertinent information and inspiration. But more often than not, the advertisements and websites we see every day are either a generic description of services or an effort by advertisers to lure us away from our intuition and brainwash us into buying something we don't really want or need.

What is Compelling About Hype?

Many people who come to me for help with attracting their perfect customers have been told that their marketing must be slick, professional, and targeted to a specific audience, but they haven't been encouraged to create authentic marketing or share things that are important to them. In fact being personal and vulnerable has been seen as antithetical to professionalism. Even though we have created our businesses as a reflection of our true purpose, many of us strip our marketing of any passion and fall in line with the trends. When we do this, we are holding back what is most compelling about our business.

How Will They Know You When They Find You?

Just imagine your perfect customers who are out there seeking you right now. They are not just looking for that specific set of services or products you are offering. They're looking for someone they can like and trust, someone who understands their problems and can relate to their goals and aspirations. They are looking for the real you. But if the real you is not showing up in your marketing, your perfect customers will not recognize you when they find you. They will only recognize you when you are transparent and real as you market yourself.

What Makes You and Your Perfect Customers Tick?

Recently I hosted a Branding from the HeartTM retreat on a beautiful property in Santa Rosa called Mystic Oak Gardens. I invited a circle of entrepreneurs to come to this cozy setting and share what makes them tick. We all brought good food and we sat in front of the fire drinking tea and sharing our souls. The tears flowed as we touched each other's hearts and acknowledged each other's struggles, our successes and our dreams. We shared like this all day and long past the originally scheduled ending time. As each person spoke, we all paid rapt attention because we were interested, drawn in and inspired by what was being said.

Vulnerable Marketing?

So I asked them why would we not share like this in our marketing? Why would we put forward some generic, polished sales message or image and leave hidden what is most compelling and inspiring about us: our true purpose, our real passions? It may feel uncomfortable at first revealing our vulnerable selves, but as we continue to share, we can build a network of connections who really get us and want to work with us for who we really are. They want to work with us because we are simpatico.

These are our most perfect customers, the ones who are on the same path in life. As we become more authentic in our marketing and share from the heart with those who are attracted to us, the more we realize that what makes us tick is what makes our perfect customers tick. We are here to help each other continue on the right path and shine our true light to the world.

In my next article, "Blogging from the Heart" I will write about how to use blogging as an authentic marketing tool that attracts your perfect customers online. Please follow or subscribe to this blog to be notified of new posts as they arrive.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps people attract their perfect customers with a unique combination of Law of Attraction, wildly attractive logos and websites, and smart Internet marketing techniques. If you're ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia's free Magical Marketing Toolkit at

Monday, February 16, 2009

Time to Raise Our Vibrations

I'm doing great these days, but still, I get pretty bummed out when I listen to the news. I generally try to avoid it but my husband watches NPR and I sometimes get drawn in, and before I know it I'm feeling pretty down. Then suddenly everything annoys me and I start worrying about the future of my business. Because I know that thoughts are powerfully creative, unless I want reality to start matching my fears, it's time to raise my vibration.

Not only that, being stressed out will not make me more attractive to my perfect customers, right? I'm sure you can relate to what I'm talking about here. So what can we do to raise our vibration? Here are some simple tips I like to use to help me feel more like myself.

1) Get Into Action: if you're feeling worried about the future, one way to get you thinking along a more positive bent is to do some authentic marketing from the heart, write a blog entry, or plan a new class. Forwarding your purpose and your work feels good and it's practical. Additionally, the result (ie attracting perfect customers) is also a vibration raiser.

2) Just Relax: If you're feeling stressed and burned out, getting into action might not be what you need right now. In this case I suggest some radical self care. When was the last time you took yourself to an uplifting movie or took a nap in the middle of the day? How about a bubble bath with some hydrating oils and aromatherapy, or maybe a massage? Focusing on making yourself feel great will raise your vibration, and when it's time to return to work, you will be refreshed and ready.

3) Get Some Help: If you're feeling overwhelmed then it's probably time to get some help. Today I finally asked my husband to help me get my car smogged and registered and now that's one less thing I have to worry about. I also have someone coming over to help me clean and organize my house and office, someone to help me with my books, and someone to help me create new products for my business. The Lone Ranger days are over for me. It's a great feeling to get help and get relief!

4) Jump-Start Those Endorphins: Excercise is not only good for your health, it stimulates those good-feeling hormones to go rushing through your body. I love to take my rainforest herbs and hit the treadmill while listening to my favorite music. Or when the weather is good, a brisk walk outside can be exhilarating.

Give these a try and then notice how your circumstances start to shift as your vibration rises. I'd love to hear about the results you get when you raise your vibration.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps people attract their perfect customers with a unique combination of Law of Attraction, wildly attractive logos and websites, and smart Internet marketing techniques. If you're ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia's free Magical Marketing Toolkit at

Expand Your Biz with Facebook ~ It's Fun!

My husband says it's stretching it to call it, "work."

There I am scanning photos from the late 60s saying, "Oh, this one's perfect!" as I upload one to Facebook and tag it with the name of a childhood friend. Or maybe I'm planting a flower on someone's "Little Green Patch," an act that helps save the rainforest. Sometimes I just write a little ditty on what I'm up to and send it out to all 403 (and counting) of my Facebook friends.

Yeah, 403 and more come each day. Sometimes it's a friend from college or high school, or maybe someone from my early childhood, or my current network. A lot of the time they're people I don't know but they find my profile interesting, or they connected with me through one of my websites, or from a Google search. Facebook is one huge community, 150 million and growing by about 10 million per month. I notice my friend requests and suggestions come in by about a dozen per day. This is a great way to let people know what I'm up to, what I care about and to NETWORK!

Facebook is so fun and such a great business tool that I've expanded my upcoming Attracting Perfect Customers Online 10-Week Webinar for Web Challenged Entrepreneurs to include a segment on growing your biz with Facebook. (see my flier for upcoming classes below) You really can do everything on Facebook: create a list, market your offerings, follow up with prospects, post a web page, invite friends to an event, post photos and portfolios, share links. It's quite a robust and amazing social network.

So for those of you who are ready to give it a whirl, here are some Facebook Tips to get you started.

Step One: Get a Facebook account already! Go to and register. Write down your user name and password on a sticky note and post it by your computer so you don't forget it. You can connect with me there if you like!

Step Two: Set up your profile, and upload a photo of you right away. There's nothing as annoying as connecting with someone you haven't seen in a while, and going to their profile only to see that generic blue-boy silhouette. Spend the time to fill out your education and job information. You will be able to find old classmates and colleagues this way. Make sure you post a link to your website too!

Step Three: Have Facebook find your friends. Click on "Friends" and "Find Friends" to have Facebook search through your email account for people you've emailed who are already on Facebook. This is the fastest way to grow your network right off the bat. Once you're connected with friends, check out their friend lists for folks you know and request to be connected. You can also find mentors and people you aspire to be like and connect with them. Facebook makes it easy to create categories so you can sort your contacts.

Step Four: Share yourself authentically. The most compelling thing about you is what is most important to you. Share what inspires you, what you're challenged by, what you've learned. Post your own events and invite people. Create your own page and post notes on your latest discoveries. You never know who's curiosity you'll spark. Maybe your old school chum will show up at your next teleclass! It's happened to me.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps people attract their perfect customers with a unique combination of Law of Attraction, wildly attractive logos and websites, and smart Internet marketing techniques. If you're ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia's free Magical Marketing Toolkit at

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day

Hope attracted the whitehouse. As I watch millions of people celebrating Obama’s presidency on the news, I am awed by what Obama himself called The Audacity of Hope. It is impossible to be overwhelmed by doubt when something so unlikely could win the day. Not only are we celebrating the first African American president in US history, we are celebrating a kind of hope that flies in the face of all the daunting troubles facing our country, our world and our lives.

We choose hope. We choose unity. We choose freedom. All the aspects of being American we were taught to be proud of and yet seemed lost over these past 8 years have come streaming back to us. And you can see it in the faces of the over 2 million people crowding the mall in Washington DC.

Imagine the effect of all this happiness and jubilation! I suggest today that we meditate on leveraging this wonderful mood and allowing it to permeate all aspects of our lives. Let hope guide you as you focus on your purpose in life and on your business. Rather than focusing on the bad news of the economy let’s focus on how we can overcome.

Obama is our example of achieving the impossible. Let’s meditate on that today as we take this blissful historic step into the new age.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Time to Create a New Attraction Plan!

Maybe for you it seems like things are not going exactly the way you want. Even though most of the time these days I'm in the flow and loving life, once in a while something happens that hooks me; like when a client chooses someone else, or a project doesn't go the way I expected, or when there is a lull in business. If I notice I'm fixating on what's wrong, I know that unless I want to attract more of what is wrong, i'd better turn my attention toward what I really want. Yet, it's time redo my Strategic Attraction PlanTM* and pronto!

I've been using this tried and true method for over five years to attract my perfect customers and the experiences I desire in business. This plan has helped me to clarify what is perfect for me, what is important to me, what I want my life to look like. It has helped me to see where I'd been settling for less from my work life and then it has helped me to reset my course to attract inspiring people who respect and reward me in ways I'd previously never dreamed. Whenever I experience something is wrong I want to ask, "what would be more perfect for me?" and get it down in writing.

And since a new incredible year has begun, there is no better time than the present to reset our course toward the fulfillment of our dreams.

Though I have plans I've already started, I like to create a fresh plan once in a while for that sense of a new beginning. Sometimes I write my plan in a journal, sometimes just on a piece of paper folded in half so I have 4 sides to write on, or sometimes I'll use my computer. It just depends on what feels right in the moment. Here are the four questions of the Strategic Attraction PlanTM and some instructions on how to use it.

1) What are the qualities, characteristics and attributes of my perfect customers?
This is a long list of what I like about my perfect customers, what they're like, their personalities, how they treat me, the resources they have, how they find me, what is important to them, how they act, and so on. I can think of folks I've loved to work with in the past and what I liked about them, or I can think of client situations gone awry and what I would prefer. What kinds of people have you always wanted to work with? Describe them here.

2) What makes me and my perfect customers tick?
Another way to put this is, "what is my true life purpose?" When you clarify this and begin sharing it with others you will realize that your perfect customers have a mission that is quite aligned with yours if not exactly the same. It is our soul fire that is the source of our attracting power. When our perfect customers get what makes us tick, they recognize us and choose us.

3) What do I want my perfect customers to expect from me?
If you have ever felt at the mercy of other people's expectations, this is your chance to be proactive and determine what you want others to expect from you. Write down the offerings you want to deliver, how you want to be perceived, what you want to acheive, and what you want your days to look like.

4) What am I improving to become more attractive? Who do I have to be to attract this?
For each item under number 3 that you have not yet 100% attracted, write it down here again. Then ask yourself, "who would I have to be to attract this?" What word or phrase describes the way you would be if you attracted this? Write it down next to the item you want to attract. Now go forth and be that quality and watch as what you desire is drawn to you.

Signs of Land

It is important to take note of what we are attracting on a regular basis. When a sailor approaches land from sea, there are signs of land long before actual land is sighted, like certain weather patterns, or particular birds, sea mammals, and plant life. Similarly when we set course for what we desire in life and business, there are signs along the way that what we asked for is coming. Perhaps you asked for clients who are fun and someone calls from a game company, or you have asked for a more spiritual experience of business and you attract an inspiring teacher as a client. Taking note of these "signs of land" will help you to acknowledge your progress and flow toward the realization of your dreams.