Magical Marketing Blog
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Are You Ready to Shine?
While I sat there feeling the music, I started thinking about the challenges we all have faced recently, and the music had washed it all away in a moment of pure expression. I get that way when I'm creating artwork, writing or expressing myself in some way. The inspiration in the moment is all that matters and the bad news slips away. I want to be this inspired all of the time. Don't you?
A New Paradigm for Marketing
Marketing is a form of expression and it too can be this inspiring, this true and pure, and yet still be effective and create sales. I want to participate in a new paradigm for marketing that is authentic inspiring to me and others. Marketing doesn't have to be about hype or 'being professional.' We dont' have to worry about 'turning people off' because those people are not our perfect customers. We want to attract people of like mind and heart so we can all forward our missions together and with greater power. We can shine our true light out to the world and not only will it be effective, it will bring abundance beyond measure.
Now is the Time
Have you heard the news lately? Lots of doom and gloom. I guess that sells papers and advertising, but it doesn't speak to the truth about the opportunity of this moment. While some of the big corporations fail and old structures reveal their instability, there is a new kind of opening available to those who are willing to explore a different way of doing things. Many of my mentors and colleagues who have been promoting a more conscious approach to business, they are thriving more than ever now, and I have to say my business is doing very well too. I believe the reason we are thriving is because we have been willing to take a risk and put our true selves out there and go for our dreams. We have had faith in our offerings and a willingness to be vulnerable and authentic.
So Are You Ready to Shine?
What can you to today to forward your purpose some more? Who can you let know about your heart-felt offerings? Go out there and shine like the crazy diamond you are, and watch what manifests!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Savoring This Moment
It's Easy to Love "Now" Today
It’s easy to savor the moment today of all days, for today a stain has been lifted from our country’s flag. A commentator for ABC News in New York reported seeing an African-American woman and her daughter celebrating Barack Obama’s victory in Times Square. He watched her as her knees buckled and she almost fainted. He turned to see what she was looking at, and there on the big screen was a picture of all 44 presidents, with Barack Obama in the middle. The commentator said to the woman, “12 of those men owned slaves.” The woman replied, “That stain has been washed away today.”
Today is Our Day
That she could say that, that she could feel that the stain of slavery has been washed away, is an incredible and amazing miracle. For anyone who has ever fought for civil rights, for those of us who have marched in the rain against racism, who have stood in the face of bigots and challenged them, who have been discriminated against, or who have risked our status or safety to come out in support of someone who had been discriminated against, this is our day. This is our day to savor. And so I’m savoring this moment.
This Moment and Every Moment
And I am thinking, yes it is easy to savor this moment. The whole world is in a celebratory mood, and they are dancing with us. They are saying, “only in America where the unlikely can become the likely!” We are the home of the brave and the free again. In the face of fear and doom, we have chosen hope and possibility. And the world is with us. It is easy to savor this moment.
So Yes! Let’s celebrate today. We have earned it. And let this day help us to always remember that every day is a day to savor this moment. It may not be as easy on a day when challenges come, or when it does not seem like the world, or anyone, is with us. But it is always a day to savor each moment, to focus on what we desire, and to celebrate being alive.
To Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! I am proud to be an American today.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Where the !$?BLEEP?*%! Should I Blog?
What I’ve discovered is that certain blogging or social network sites rank better than others. Though every web hosting program offers their own blog software these days, not all blogs are created equal. It makes sense that a blogging tool owned by Google, or one that hosts Google Ads, would rank better than others. Here are the sites I’ve found most useful for regular, every day entrepreneurs to get to page one of Google for their niche keyword phrases.
Blogger brags that you can be up and blogging in ten minutes with their program, and that’s true. This is why I chose Blogger as my main blogging tool, and the first one I teach in my 10 week webinar “Attracting Perfect Customers Online.” You can see my Law of Attraction Marketing blog. Since Google owns Blogger, your posts will rank well when you use this tool.
WordPress is a pretty sophisticated blogging tool with a variety of possible options for customization. I personally find this tool more complicated to use but it is more robust and vastly customizable. I recently designed a WordPress blog for my client the Creative Sage, and if you look at it you will see how robust the sites are. With WordPress you can customize a home page and link it to a blog. In this case, 3 blogs are linked from that one home page. I’ve also created some simple WordPress blogs that even with very little content are getting to page one of Google.
Squidoo is a site where you can share your expertise on a topic. Google puts AdWords on these pages so they rank really well. They’re easy to set up and you can put cool modules on them like YouTube videos, products for sale, pictures from Flickr, and the all important links to your main sites. You can see my squidoo lenses here.
Like Squidoo, HubPages is a social network site for folks who want to share their expertise in any area of life. Here’s the HubPage that got to page one of Google in only 22 minutes.
My suggestion is to post to these 4 blogging sites on a regular basis to exponentially expand the visibility of your message. But even creating one blogger post or Squidoo lens that links back to your website will help your site ranking. So what are you waiting for? Get off your bleeping butt and blog!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What the !$?BLEEP?*%! Should I Blog About?
I just learned that over 20% of the world’s population is now online according to the latest report from Internet World Stats. This is a growing potential customer base we can’t really afford to ignore. With the availability of free blogs and social networks, everyday entrepreneurs can speak to a wider base, amplifying our message to a national or even international audience while capturing better placement on the search engines. Gone are the days when only the technically adept could contribute new content to sites on a regular basis and get to page one of Google.
What New Content?
There’s the rub. Many of us have started a blog but only have one or two posts on it. We get to a point where we don’t know what to blog about. Here are some tips on creating blog content that helps you keep current customers interested, improve your search engine ranking, and help you attract more perfect customers.
What Do YOU Care About?
The Law of Attraction says that “like attracts like” so the subjects that interest you are likely to interest your perfect customers. You have access to knowledge that fascinates you and also will captivate your customers. Just sharing authentically about your passions and interests will grab their attention and offer true value.
Answer the following questions and see how many blog post ideas you can create.
1) What resources have you discovered that can benefit your customers?
2) What tips can you offer people that will make a difference?
3) What current events or news items are pertinent to your peeps?
4) What challenges have you faced and what have you learned from them?
5) What marketing messages do you want to promote?
6) What humorous antidotes to today’s reality can you share?
7) What interesting adventures have you taken recently?
8) What subjects are your customers searching about now?
Write down all the ideas you come up with and refer to them when you are looking for a new blog topic. How often you blog is up to you, what is sustainable for you. Consistency is key and if you're offering good value on your blog, you'll be rewarded by your expanding customer base.
Some Keyword Considerations
As you create your blog posts, make sure you consciously and consistently use the keywords and phrases you want to be found by AND that express your true purpose. I call these Magical Keywords and they empower logic with attraction.
It’s most important to use your keywords in the title, headlines, subheads and links on your posts and web pages. And if you submit your blog post to a variety of sites, you will be more likely to appear in searches for those phrases.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Why the @#Bleep?*! Should I Blog?
It’s bound to happen sooner or later. Maybe it already has. You’ll find out everyone already has a blog and you feel two years behind! Believe me, it happens to the best of us. Denial may follow. You could be there now. (And I’m not referring to a river in Egypt.) It may present itself like this.
“I don’t need to blog. I already have a website but I haven’t done much with it, and most of my customers come from word of mouth anyway.”
It may all be true, or you could be fooling yourself. In the past few years, Internet use world wide has expanded dramatically, by 40%. And that number is growing in every country on the planet. This is changing our every day habits, including our purchasing habits. Word of mouth is still a very strong marketing method, but I’m telling you, having a blog and a website allows people to get to know and like you before they call you, and more people can find you when you’re online in a big way.
Here are some really good reasons to blog. Check these out and then you can make up your own mind whether now is your time or not.
To Get People Interested in You and Keep Them With You
If you put valuable content on your blog, you will be offering a free benefit to your potential customer base. They are interested in your products and services, but may not be ready to buy just yet. Remember what Dale Carnegie wrote in “How to Win Friends and Influence People,“ that people will do business with people they “know, like and trust.“ Offering real value on your blog will help people get to know you until they are ready to do business with you.
Distinguish Your Brand and Show You’re Passionate About Your Business
With a blog, you can define who you are and authentically share your mission in a way that promotes everything you’re up to. Write about things you care about and let your potential customers get to know you better. Blogs are a great way to create current buzz about your offerings and keep people interested in you. And because you can update them easily yourself, you can keep your blog fresh with new content as inspiration hits.
Get Good Google Page Ranking
Many blogs rank much better than your average new website. That’s because Google, Yahoo and the other search engines consider blogs as ‘authority sites.’ Blogger (which is owned by Google) and WordPress perform extremely well on search engines. And pointing to your website from your ‘authority’ blog can help your website’s ranking as well.
Drive Traffic to Your Website
Create a blog to offer extra information about your product or service and the culture behind it, and then link it to your website or online store. Because blogs rank well on search engines, your blog may come up on searches before your main site, and capture the interest of potential customers who would otherwise not find you.
Be Seen as a Leader in Your Industry
Well, let’s face it. If you have a blog and others in your industry don’t, you have a leg up with potential customers online. Blogging is still new enough that you’re likely to be seen as exceptional if you have one, and you can be seen as ‘the expert’ in your field.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Look Who's On Page One of Google Again
And by the way, did you know I'm number 1, 5, 6, 8 & 9 of over 2.2 million for the query "Law of Attraction Marketing?" That query is becoming more and more popular, too. I'm pretty proud of that because just a while back I was nowhere to be found on Google for this query, but now I'm looking like THE "Law of Attraction Marketing" expert, pushing ahead of folks who were in The Secret. I've really gotten the knack of this.
Do you want to learn how I do this?
"I've been hearing about blogs for quite a while, but being new technology, I had no idea how to create one or what the purpose of one would be. Thanks to Julia, who demonstrated how to easily create one in just a few minutes, I now have one and am loving it. Writing short informational pieces delights me. And it's easy to maintain." Pamelah Landers
"At the beginning of the 10-week class this all sounded like gibberish to me, but now I have a blog, several Squidoo lenses and I'm set up on Facebook. I sound like an expert!" Terri Moon
"Thank you Julia for all your patience and support. Your style of listening for our true purpose and then helping us express that online is inspiring. I feel empowered." Nancy Marin
Let me take you by the hand and guide you step by step through the processes I use to get to page one of google time and time again, for various keyword phrases.
Empower yourself to get found online and start attracting now!
ATTRACTING PERFECT CUSTOMERS ONLINE: 10 Week Webinar for Web Challenged Individuals
Early Fall Session Starts Friday, September 26th at 2:30 - 4 pm
Classes run every Friday for 10 weeks skipping a week
for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Autumn Session Starts Tuesday, October 28 at 9:00 - 10:30 am
This is my last webinar of the year. It runs consecutive Tuesdays
through December 30th.
In addition to 15 hours of live instruction, you'll get over 45 hours of "Home Study" courses in Magical Marketing, Branding from the Heart, and Creating Wildly Attractive Websites so you can master your attraction-based marketing plan now.
I'll also include a free 1/2 hour consultation after the webinar completes to help you with any special requests or questions.
To find out more about the webinar, check out my Flash Video or the Audio Recording of "How I Got to Page One of Google by Sharing Myself Authentically" on my website
Or call me at (707) 823-3316
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Obama Tweets on Twitter! How About You?
This is significant news for anyone studying new internet marketing trends. Obama has been successfully using these social networks to mobilize millions of people and raise tens of millions of campaign dollars. He has unearthed the power of Facebook (where he has over 1.3 million supporters) to organize real-world events and gain the Democratic Party nomination for president over Hillary Clinton, the former party front-runner. Some predict he’ll be able to use his advantage on social networks to beat out McCain come election day.
What Does This Mean for You?
Social Networks are not just for kids or political candidates. Business people can use these fun free tools to network with friends, associates, colleagues and family, and passively market to these folks just by adding short updates, links, and posts. Just as Obama (ok, Obama’s aids do the actual work) uses Twitter to update contacts on what he’s doing and where you can learn more about it, you can use Twitter to let followers know about your latest blog post, what you’re doing in your business right now, or your latest sale. After I publish this blog post, I'll surely go to my Twitter account to announce it and post a link.
Similarly, on Facebook it’s easy and fun to stay in touch with people without inundating them with emails. I’ve used Facebook as a tool to follow up with people I meet at business networking events as well as a fun place to connect with old friends.
Hey, if you’re on Facebook or Twitter, let me know and we’ll connect there! Once we're connected, send me a note if you want to learn more how to use these tools to your advantage.
Want to learn how to use Social Networks to Attract Perfect Customers Online? Check out my upcoming 10 week webinar for web-challenged individuals. I’ll be offering a free introduction to this webinar on September 19th to show folks how I got to page one of google in 22 minutes by sharing myself authentically online. See details at
Monday, August 18, 2008
Don't Bother with Internet Marketing
You can probably tell I've been listening to those Marketing guys again, the big gun types who psych out their customers with reverse psychology. I know, I know, but I couldn't resist trying that one. But seriously, despite their often distasteful techniques, I always learn new things from these fellows, and I'm grateful they are so free with the latest internet marketing tips. I feel it is my role to glean the best from their strategies and translate them into a more authentic, softer marketing style that is palatable to my perfect customers.
The fact is, more and more consumers are going online for major purchases, including for vendors and service providers of all kinds. It is becoming more and more important to be online for our perfect customers to find us, and to be online in a big way, in more than one place. The more Internet pages we can create, the more easily folks can find us.
So the question becomes, which Internet properties are the best to use?
Thanks once again to my Marketing Shark buddies for answering that question for us.
Do You Squidoo?
Have You Created any Hot Hubs?
Have You Tweeted a Perfect Twoosh on Twitter?
Are you LinkedIn?
If this sounds like a bunch of gibberish to you, you're not alone. But these are some of the Internet properties I use time and again to get to page one of Google and attract my perfect customers online. Chances are if you haven't heard of these sites yet, others in your industry haven't started using them in their internet marketing strategies either.
The time is ripe to get on board with these free sites and start sharing about what you have to offer (authentically, of course!)
But Silly Rabbit, Aren't Social Networks for Kids?
Some of you are thinking, "well, my kids use these sites, but I wouldn't know where to begin to use these for business." Others are thinking, "I use social networks and read blogs for fun, but how can I turn that into profit?"
The fact is that billions of dollars have been spent making the new social networks fun and easy enough for a child to use. As business people, we can use this to our advantage in our Internet marketing, even if we are "Web Challenged."
Because Google and other search engines tend to rank these sites well, linking to your main offering site or blog from these sites will help your search engine ranking dramatically.
See How it Works For Yourself in my Free Webinar
If you'd like to see first hand how I'm using these social networks to attract perfect customers online, come aboard my next Magical Internet Tour and see "How I Got to Page One of Google by Sharing Myself Authentically."
The Magical Internet Tour is coming to take you away on Friday, August 22 from 9 - 10 am pacific time.
To register, email with the subject "Register Me in Free Webinar 8_22_08" Learn the Steps in My 10 Week Webinar Intensive [more info]
Friday, August 8, 2008
Authentic Sharing Attracts Perfect Customers
If you’re like me and thousands of conscious entrepreneurs, you’re looking for a new paradigm for marketing, one that is authentic, one that recognizes and honors our intuition and chosen life paths, one that attracts rather than targets perfect customers. I’m here to tell you that we can get the word out about our products and services without brainwashing anyone or producing hype. We can attract our perfect customers by sharing ourselves authentically.
What You Seek is Seeking You
The Law of Attraction states that those with a similar energy are attracted to each other. How we are being, as well as how we are marketing, determines whether or not our perfect customers will be drawn to us, and whether they will recognize us when they do find us! There are people out there who are seeking you, your products and services as well as your personality, your approach, your mission.
When I consciously realize my perfect customers are seeking me now, my marketing takes on a different color. I realize that when my perfect customers find me (or my website, my post cards, my fliers, etc) they will only know me as who they are seeking if I am authentic and come from the heart in my marketing. If I am engaging in competitive marketing strategies or hype of any kind, my most perfect customers will pass right by me. But when I share my true self in my marketing, my perfect customers breathe a sigh of relief. They call me and say, “I know you’re the one I want to work with.”
5 Easy Steps for Attracting Perfect Customers
If you want to attract your perfect customers, there are 5 easy steps you can take today to get started.
Step 1) First, you want to determine who your perfect customers are. Get out a piece of paper and write at the top “The qualities of my perfect customers are…” and start making a long laundry-type list. Everything you can think of that you like in people you work with/for goes there like personality traits, how they find you, their resources, what they say about you, etc.
Step 2) Write a short statement of what your true inner calling is. This is also the true inner calling of your perfect customers, which you will discover as you begin attracting them. When you are authentic to your true passion and joyfully sharing your soul's calling, then you are ready to attract your heart's desire.
Step 3) Create another long list, answering the question “What do I want my perfect customers to expect from me?” Ultimately the question here is what do you really desire in life, what do you love to do and want people to pay you for. Answering this question will help you to create the business life of your dreams.
Step 4) On the back side of your Step 3 list, answer the question “What am I improving to become more attractive to my perfect customers?” Take all the items from Step 3 that aren't fully realized 100% yet and put these on your Step 4 list. Look at these items now and ask yourself, "Who would I have to be to attract this?"
Step 5) Get out there and share your mission authentically. Now that you are focused on what you want and you have clarified your mission, get the word out about what is important to you. Try creating a ’30 second speech’ for the next Connections meeting that truly reflects your purpose and mission. Use words that mean something important to you and watch as your perfect customers flock to you.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Yeah, I know, I’m using something you remember from your past to make a point about right now. Are you falling prey to this ‘dooms day’ attitude being promoted now? Are you getting a bit shaky about ‘the economy’ and what the future may bring? Unless you’re like Buddha, you must be reacting to all the negativity being touted about the economy. Even those with a steady job with their mortgage paid are chewing a couple fingernails when they watch the news.
All this makes me want to sing! Seriously, it’s time to ask ourselves if we’re OK in this moment (of course we are!), and to remember that the future hasn’t happened yet! Uncertainty is the only guarantee in life, so let’s not be certain of such a horrible fate. Let’s instead do our best to be happy now.
And surely our perfect customers will respond to our better disposition when we are happy. Feeling good is obviously a worth while venture for many reasons, including financial security.
But how to get there from here?
First, turn off the TV!
Second: Remember Your Purpose
Ah, yes, My Purpose. Whenever I get back to that everything just makes sense and seems to flow. I have spent a lot of time musing over my purpose and I encourage others to do the same. When I focus on my purpose, I am aligning myself with my source, and that is the only time things flow to me that I have been asking for.
“When you can focus on your purpose and line it up with the purpose of your business, your productivity will increase by 40%” Tim White, Author of What’s My Purpose?
Everything is better and the world is brighter when I focus on my purpose ~ Experiencing the magic of life through free self-expression: creating the world of our dreams. When I pay attention to the passions that drive me to action, I’m happier. When I sit around and imagine dooms day scenarios, I freak out. What is the better choice? Hmmm, well, I guess it’s obvious.
So let’s do it. Let’s do what we like and think about what we like and talk about what we like and in the process be liked! We’ll like ourselves better and our perfect customers will recognize us more easily and the flow will start to happen again. It always does.
Friday, July 4, 2008
It's All About Freedom
I am thinking about Freedom; Not just because it’s Independence Day, the day all of us Americans on all sides of the political spectrum celebrate Revolution. And not just because Freedom is the basis for our country that is celebrating it’s birthday today. It’s because I’m always thinking about Freedom. Freedom is part of what makes me tick.
Sing a ‘Song of Freedom’ and I’m likely to tear with gratitude. This is what I’ve based my life upon. All the decisions I ever made have had this at the core: Freedom. I guess that makes me a quintessential American (in addition to fact that I’m a direct descendant of an American Revolutionary.)
“Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death,” I would have said, but thank goodness I haven’t have to take it to that extreme. Today I am deeply grateful for those who have come before me and blazed a trail for my Freedom. My life has always been a free expression of creativity, love and magic. I am thankful that I have the freedom to learn about, experience, and teach others the power of deliberate creation; How we are creating our lives through our thoughts, a teaching that in another time or another place would be condemned as blasphemy.
Can I interest you in considering your Freedom today? Perhaps it’s something you’ve been taking for granted, or perhaps you have been fearing the political tide would take our Freedom away. Either way, now is a great time to appreciate the Freedom we have, and to indulge in visions of Freedom for All.
Monday, June 23, 2008
How to Relax and Attract Perfect Customers
But I have learned that worry ~ even one minute of worry ~ is completely 100% counter-productive to the results I want. Even if I forget for a second that my thoughts are creating my reality, and I take a long logical look at how I come off to others when I’m anxious, really it’s not an attractive picture. It’s clear to me that my perfect customers will not recognize me at all when I am not being my true, authentic self. And doesn’t that make sense?
Now coming back to the fact that our thoughts do create our reality, can you see how worry is working against your dreams coming true? In fact, worry is a negative future projection. In the book “The Law of Attraction,” Abraham-Hicks points out that even 17 seconds of continuous intention around a desire will start that desire coming to you. Unfortunately, focusing on a possible negative outcome, especially when coupled with strong emotion, is a powerfully creative act, though we may not like the outcome!
When I first read “The Law of Attraction,” I stopped to remember the last time I had spent a solid 17 seconds focusing on my positive intent without considering the opposite or my ‘shadow of a doubt.’ It was challenging to remember a time outside of a self-help workshop where I had stayed completely positive for that long. That was an eye opener! Now with my penchant toward negative thinking revealed, I am empowered to try something new, a worry-free approach to marketing.
learned that staying true to my purpose and focused on the positive aspects is vital to the Attraction Marketing process. Toward that end, I’d like to share some tips I’ve learned to RELAX, kick back and attract my perfect customers.
TIP 1: Be Kind to Yourself ~ spend 15 minutes doing something you love. Sometimes a whole day can fly past without me stopping to smell the daisies. Now I make sure to go out to my garden at least 15 minutes a day to be with my beautiful plants. What is your favorite thing to do? Stop what you’re doing now and go do that for 15 minutes. Notice how attractive you feel when you do what you love.
TIP 2: Make your Strategic Attraction PlanTM: One way to focus on what we like and want to attract is by creating our Strategic Attraction Plan TM (SAP) This simple 4 part plan helps us determine what is most perfect for us in our business and our life. Visit for a free 1 hour recorded lesson on creating your SAP.
TIP 3: Take Attractive Actions: It is always wise to take a proactive approach when marketing. The key is to make the act of marketing fun and expressive for you. Consider what you love to do and then look for ways to combine that with a creative marketing act. Maybe you love to do yoga… so grab your mat and your biz card, post card or flier and find places to post your ad on your way to yoga class. Or perhaps you like to party, so plan a party where you and everyone gets to show off their products and services. Or if you like to write, write an article or blog entry and send it off to your list. Obviously that’s one of my favorite fun marketing actions~!
TIP 4: Get Some Help: Sometimes you just need help getting your marketing engines running. You may need a new image, or a website update, or you may want to learn how to get to page one of google. I have a variety of offerings at different price points that may be a perfect option for you to start stressing less and attracting more of your perfect customers today. Visit to learn more about Magical Marketing.
REMINDER: My 10 week Webinar for web-challenged individuals “Attracting Perfect Customers Online” starts Tuesday, June 24 at 3:30 pm pacific time. Call me and ask for your special discount: 707-823-3316. See for more information.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Networking in your PJs while watching soaps?
I have taken advantage of online social networks for many years and frequently visited sites like,, (see my ryze at and to meet people, share passions, and make business connections. Now, with the addition of sites like Hub Pages (see my hub ) Twitter ( ) and Squidoo ( I can network even more effectively and get to page one of google almost instantly!
Often I sit at home in my PJ's (guess what I'm wearing now!) and share my passions, illuminate with tips, offer help and advice, check out the brilliant sharing of others, and this activity helps me to attract perfect customers. Sometimes I even do this while watching my favorite soap (recorded on TiVo). It's a really fun way to market and make friends. I cannot recommend this enough.
Here are some tips on networking online:
1) Find social networks that you really like and that reflect your personality. is for folks who like to contribute to causes, has hundreds of topical 'tribes' for you to join, is for entrepreneurs, is a micro-blog community, is for the Sonoma County, CA community (do you have one in your community?)
2) Join the group/s you like best and set up your profile. Make sure to include your picture, what you do for biz, your personal passions, your mission, and your offerings. Don't forget to include links to your website/s, blogs, and other social network pages.
3) Search your network for folks of like mind and heart and introduce yourself. Invite them to join your network. Join their network.
4) Visit your network often and spend time meeting folks, updating your profile, commenting on other folks' blogs and sites ie contribute to others
5) Join groups if your network has them. Find groups that reflect your passion and your offerings and share yourself authentically there. Contribute to others in the group at least as often as you promote your latest offerings.
6) Respond quickly to inquiries from others on your social network. Timing is everything. Let people know you appreciate their desire to connect and make efforts to really get to know them. See if you can get involved in their network of friends.
7) Create a blog or site where your latest interests, info, tips and queries are posted so folks can keep up with you and your offerings.
8) HAVE FUN! Magical Marketing is all about doing what you love to do and being open to receiving all you desire!
I have a free webinar on "How I Got to Page One of Google by Sharing Myself Authentically" on my home page. Check it out.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Getting to Page One of Google is Magically Fun!
The other day someone looking for a food label designer searched the phrase "Graphic Designer Food Products Bay Area" and I came up number one on Google. That says to me that consciously using the Law of Attraction while using free webby networking tools and is an effective Internet Marketing Strategy. I recently learned that 51% of internet searches have never been done before. That means that I must rely at least 51% on 'synchronicity' and 'luck.'
That's where the Law of Attraction comes in. This law states "like attracts like," or in other words "what you seek is seeking you." My perfect customers are seeking me right now. The internet is a great tool to help my perfect customers find me.
How will they find me? They will find me through searches and social networks. How will they know me when they find me? They will know me when I am authentic and come from the heart in my expressions (my marketing being one of those expressions.)
To attract perfect customers online, I believe the best strategy is to network online and promote your main website using Web 2.0 properties like Blogspot, Squidoo, Hubpages, and Twitter. This will not only put you in front of a stream of possible clients, but it will also help your main site gain better ranking.
Learn more about how I got to page 1 of Google, listen to my free teleclass recording at
I am offering a free introductory teleclass/webinar on this topic on May 8th from noon - 1pm pst. To register for the free webinar, please email with the subject line "Register me in Free Webinar May 8"
Sunday, April 6, 2008
How I Got to Page One of Google and Yahoo by Sharing My Passion Authentically

The most attractive marketing to your perfect customers is a true reflection of you and your offerings. Those people who are seeking you and your services want to know you're the one when they find you. That is why I stress coming from the heart, sharing your passion authentically whenever you can. I have been taking this approach to Internet marketing for about ten years, but just last year when Google changed it's game plan, I started popping up on page one searches all over the place. What seemed to me a logical approach to attracting perfect customers online turned out to be the best way to appear like an authority to the search engines.
My tried and true online market place also turned out to be a top-ranking site to use, now ranking higher than on search engines. I've been posting on for free since around 1999 with great success, and now my craigslist postings are helping my other sites rank better for certain key word phrases I'm using. If you only do one thing online, it should be creating craigslist postings of your offerings. I make sure I post one for each of my main businesses every week.
Some of the new social networking sites that we may associate more with teenagers turn out to be some of the best ranking sites out there, including blog sites like blogger, social networks like myspace and youtube and newer business networking sites like squidoo. Sharing yourself authentically on these fun sites is a way to develop the clarity of your mission while boosting your site ranking and being easily found online.
I've been playing around with some of these sites. You can see my most recent squidoo lens at and visit my other lenses from there. I hope you rank my lens!
Here's one of my hub pages. Let me know what you think of it!
You can access my other hubs from there.
This spring I'm taking a group of entrepreneurs through the process of creating authentic online marketing that catapults them to page one of Yahoo and Google for a variety of "Magical Keyword" searches. My 10 Week Webinar for Web-Challenged Individuals is perfect for anyone who would like to delve into Law of Attraction Marketing while learning smart internet marketing techniques for being found online. Using the latest Webinar software you can literally 'look over my shoulder' as I guide you step by step in setting up your internet properties.
You can listen to a free 1 hour intro-teleclass recording called "How I Got to Page One of Google by Sharing My Passion Authentically" on my home page
You can also participate in my second live free introductory teleclass/webinar on this topic to take place on Thursday April 26th at noon pm pst. Just email with the subject "Register Me in Free Webinar 4_26_08" to join in the fun.
One of my favorite experiences is attracting my pefect customers online. I want you to have that freedom that I enjoy every day!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Attraction Marketing for Conscious Entrepreneurs
By Julia D. Stege
Artist, Writer, Designer, and Strategic Attraction Coach TM
You may have heard about the Law of Attraction (LOA) on Oprah, or the movie The Secret, or you may have read books or attended workshops by Abraham-Hicks. Millions of people are talking about this ancient knowledge that has gained sudden global popularity. The law is that we attract everything that is in our lives, whether consciously or unconsciously. The idea behind the wide-spread conversation is how to consciously attract what we desire and create the life of our dreams.
The purpose of a new paradigm for marketing is to consciously attract perfect customers while enjoying the life of our dreams.
STEP 1: Create Your Authentic Marketing Pieces
The Sufi poet Rumi said, “What you seek is seeking you.” In my case, I am seeking perfect customers, and they are seeking me. This makes me excited to think about. I love to imagine those folks who are looking for exactly what I have to offer, to think about what qualities they have, their personality, how excited they’ll be to find me, how much fun we’ll have working together. Of course they must find me first. That’s where marketing comes in.
The first question is ~ What to say in our marketing?
In the old paradigm for marketing we would have invented some hype designed to brainwash or scare someone into buying from us. But our perfect customers will never recognize us if we are surrounded by hype and fakery. If we are to enjoy life, as entrepreneurs we must enjoy every aspect of our business, including our marketing, and that kind of hype runs counter to a fulfilled life.
After all, when you look inside you see that behind all of our business offerings there is a desire to fulfill our life purpose. For some that may be a passion for service, for others it may be a strong creative drive, and yet others may be motivated by freedom for themselves and everyone on the planet. No matter what the soul’s calling, I have seen that it is the source for the entrepreneur’s most attractive ideas.
Share yourself authentically. Whether you are writing articles for your newsletter or Blog, creating your website copy, or writing an ebook, make sure you’re writing from the heart about something you really know and care a lot about. Not only will you be fulfilled in the activity of clarifying your purpose and sharing that with the world in your own personal style, you will begin to attract customers who are already aligned with you and ready to take the actions you desire.
STEP 2: Discover Your Own Magical Keywords
When you are sharing yourself authentically, you will want to use words that reflect your purpose. These can be words that give you the shivers, that you love, that you use often when you are speaking freely. Some of my words are Freedom, Magic, Creativity, Love, Transformation, Wild, Purpose, Attraction, Dreams, Consciousness. What are the words that describe your purpose? Use these words often in your marketing for as they resonate with you, they will also resonate with your perfect customers.
These words may just be the words your perfect customers will use to find you. Use your favorite words as your own Magical Keywords . Use them in your titles, in the content of your articles, in the headlines, and in links and see who is attracted to you.
You will be on a wonderful adventure of attracting like minded souls who are seeking what you have to offer.
STEP 3: Share Your Passion Far and Wide
There are so many fabulous places to market yourself for free these days. There is a splendiferous new world on the Web called Web2.0 ~ a world full of free Blogs, Social Networking Sites like Squidoo, Hubpages, Craigslist, and there are Article Marketing and Bum Marketing sites that will deliver your articles to folks looking for content… the possibilities for sharing in the net go on forever. What makes posting on these sites so effective is that they are considered “Authority Sites” and get high ranking on popular search engines Google and Yahoo. You can post one day and appear on Google in a high ranking (using your magical keywords) in the next.
All of marketing is a gamble. You never know what will catch on and what will be ignored. So taking actions and taking risks is inevitable. With Web2.0, the only thing you are risking is your time.
Time spent sharing your purpose is always time well spent. The perfect customers you will attract are just icing on the cake.
LEARN THE STRATEGIC ATTRACTION PLAN and start attracting perfect customers BEFORE you market. Visit for instructions and a free 1 hour teleclass recording.
EXPLORE LAW OF ATTRACTION MARKETING with Julia Stege’s Live Magical Marketing Teleclass Intensives. Visit for the latest class offerings.
JOIN THE FREE MAGICAL MARKETING ELIST for Law of Attraction marketing tips and invites to free live Law of Attraction Marketing Teleclasses. Visit and click on the link below my picture.
VISIT MY WILDLY ATTRACTIVE WEBSITE DESIGN PORTFOLIO: What makes Websites created by Graphic Girlz so Wildly Attractive? It’s the combination of beautiful, evocative designs and the powerful Law of Attraction that attract perfect customers and inspire them to take desired actions. Visit
Friday, February 15, 2008
Attracting Perfect Customers with the Strategic Attraction Plan TM

As seen in the book "Attracting Perfect Customers" by Stacey Hall and Jan Brogniez
The Strategic Attraction PlanTM (SAP) is a simple 4-part process that empowers you to attract perfect customers and relationships. Using the SAP we can literally put our order out to the universe for whatever we desire to attract, and thus become a magical magnet for the life of our dreams. I use the SAP to guide entrepreneurs in creating a Magical Marketing Plan that reflects their true passions, Branding from the Heart that expresses their mission in a way that promotes everything they're up to, and Wildly Attractive Websites that spread the word to the world and inspire their perfect customers to take desired actions.
Step one for all of these is to create your Strategic Attraction Plan TM (SAP). Below I outline the SAP with some of my own variations gleaned from my own work with clients and some simple instructions on how to use it.
Take a blank piece of paper 8.5" x 11" and fold in half. Now you have a 4-sided piece of paper. Below are the questions to put on each side. (You can also do this in a journal, on a computer file, or on a napkin!)
I am focusing here on attracting perfect customers, but you can attract any relationship you desire using this plan. Just insert the relationship you are attracting (business partners, vendors, employees, life partner, family member, etc) where I have "customers." You can even use this to attract new qualities from people who are already in your life, including yourself!
SIDE 1: WHO AM I ATTRACTING? What are the qualities, characteristics and attributes of my perfect customers?
SIDE 2: WHO AM I? What makes me and my perfect customers tick?
SIDE 3: WHAT DO I DESIRE? What do I want my perfect customers to expect of me?
SIDE 4: WHO AM I BEING? What am I improving to become more attractive to my perfect customers?
NOW start filling in your answers under each question. Think about what you want and use positive language. (ie instead of "my perfect customer doesn't blame me when things don't go right" say "my perfect customer takes responsibility for their own experience of life")
Side 1: is a long laundry-type list. Everything you can think of that you like in people you work with/for goes there. This is meant to help you begin aligning with the kind of people you want in your business and your life. Consider their personality traits, what they say, the kinds of resources they have to give to you, how they find you, how often they refer you... whatever you can think of to describe your perfect customers goes here. This will help you to focus on what kinds of customers you want and thus start attracting them.
Side 2: is a short statement of what your true inner calling is, your soul's desire, your main life passion. This is what keeps you buring the midnight oil, it's what inspires you to get out of bed in the morning. The words you use to describe your passion are great words to use in your marketing because your perfect customers are inspired by the same things you are.
Side 3: is all about what YOU want ~ what you want to offer and what you want in your life. You want your perfect customers to expect these things of you - essentially you want them to expect what YOU want. These are the services, ways of being, types of products you are offering. This is also a list of the goals and aspirations you have in your life, and a statement of your boundaries. Ultimately the question here is what do you really desire in life, what do you love to do and want people to pay you for. What do you dream of doing? Your Magical Marketing Plan will be an enjoyable part of your life when you integrate it into what you love to do.
Side 4: is all about allowing what you are attracting to come to you. What you desire will come to you when you are aligned with your source, your purpose, your calling. We are creating our lives through our intensions and our willingness to become our desire. Since you have a list of your desires on side 3, take the ones that aren't fully realized 100% yet and put these on Side 4. Everything on Side 4 will appear first on Side 3. Then look at these items and ask yourself, "Who would I have to be to attract this?"
I often find that when I am being true to myself and joyful in my authenticity, all manner of things that I have asked for come to me.
I hope you find the Strategic Attraction Plan TM helpful. You can learn more about this methodoloy and my services at the Graphic Girlz Website.
I offer Personalized Strategic Attraction Coaching and Law of Attraction and Marketing Tele-Intensives
Listen to a Free Lesson on the Strategic Attraction Plan TM and how you can create your own Magical Marketing Plan: including a lesson on The Strategic Attraction Plan TM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
What You Seek is Seeking You: Authentic Marketing is Key
“I need more customers
…better customers
…richer customers
…friendlier customers!”
You are not alone. We’ve all been there. We’ve all taken a look at our bank balance and said, “Wow, I need more clients! How am I going to do that?”
Even those of us who have reached prosperity in our businesses have had experiences like sitting on the phone getting an earful from a persnickety customer for the umpteenth time while thinking, “Where are all the nice customers? Do I have to take this to make a living?”
It’s easy to feel discouraged when you feel that you have to compete for a limited pool of customers. Most of us believe that we must sacrifice doing what we love, offering instead a product or service because it is currently popular. Anyone who has started a business from scratch knows how it feels to work hard on self-promotion, not ever knowing if you’re doing what it takes to find enough of the right customers to stay afloat and eventually prosper.
Attraction Marketing
As a marketing consultant and designer, I have advised dozens of customers to begin to look at marketing with new eyes. I believe that the old competitive, hypey model of marketing is not only stressful and aggravating, it's often ineffective. And many business owners --- especially women entrepreneurs -- don’t like the idea of competition and selling.
I ask my customers, “Wouldn’t you rather attract customers than compete for them?” Of course the answer is yes. But how?
Authenticity is the Key
The Law of Attraction says, “What we seek is also seeking us.”
Therefore to attract our perfect customers, we must be aware of who we are on a deep level and be authentic in our marketing. After all, if what we seek is also seeking us, our perfect customers are looking for us right now. How will they recognize us when they find us? They will recognize us when we are authentic and come from the heart.
ATTRACTIVE ACTION: Ask yourself, “What makes me tick? What’s my life purpose? What am I here for? How does this relate to my products and services?” Write a paragraph or two relating your purpose and your offerings. This can be the beginning of a website welcome paragraph, a blog entry, or a direct mail piece. Whenever you are sharing your business, be sure to be authentic and share who you really are. This will not only set you apart from the crowd, it will be fun and fulfilling for you!
Law of Attraction Marketing is Fun and Magical!
A New Paradigm for Marketing
Most traditional marketing is about targeting an audience and inundating them with repeated messages until they succumb and buy something they don’t really want or need. Billions of advertising dollars are spent to lure people away from their own intuition. But there is a growing population of us who are becoming more sophisticated about our buying choices and the messages we support, and we want our own marketing to reflect this change.
Rather than retreat from marketing altogether, I believe we want to create a new paradigm for marketing that is authentic and fun, that forwards our mission and purpose with clarity, and that attracts our perfect customers to us. I call this new paradigm Magical MarketingTM
Who do You Want to Attract?
An important step in creating our Magical Marketing PlanTM is to clarify who our perfect customers are. Some of us haven’t considered that we can attract customers we like, people who inspire us while valuing our talents, brilliant conversationalists who provide money and additional resources to forward our missions. Sometimes we feel stuck in a rut of working with people we don’t like or who disappoint us. The Law of Attraction says what we focus on expands, and if we are focused on lack, we will attract more lack. To empower our ability to attract perfect customers, lets consciously use the Law of Attraction and focus on the kind of people we want to attract.
Attractive Action #1: write down the qualities you want in your perfect customers. Consider their personality traits, the resources they have, how they find you, what they want you to do, what they say to you, what they think about you. Keep going on this list until you cannot think of any more traits. If you encounter someone who disappoints you, stop to consider what traits you would prefer and write them down. Focus on what you want and watch it expand.
What Do You Love to Do?
The most successful entrepreneurs I know attract customers in magical ways while they’re busy having fun. They promote things that reflect their life purpose, and enjoy talking about what they do as a result. These people are irresistible to their perfect customers because they are authentic and passionate. When we share ourselves while doing what we love, we too become irresistible magnets to our perfect customers.
Attractive Action # 2: Write down everything you like to do, including what you like to offer in your business, the activities you like to do in your day, the things you like to do for fun. Also write down your dreams and aspirations, what you would like to be, do or have. Consider how these are related to your business. Is your business aligned with your dreams and your loves? How could you do what you love in a way that promotes your business? Be inventive and create new relationships between pleasure and marketing.
Bring it All Together
Now you have a list for what your perfect customers are like and what you love to do and your spirits are lifted a bit. You are on your way to attracting your perfect customers. Taking some of the actions you consider fun is a way to increase your chances of connecting with other like minded souls would want your special offering. Go forth, have fun, attract, and don’t forget to bring your business cards!