Magical Marketing Blog

Monday, June 23, 2008

How to Relax and Attract Perfect Customers

Have you ever stopped to notice that being stressed and uptight is not a great way to attract perfect customers? I know it can be hard sometimes when you're wondering where the next customer is going to come from and you're looking at your bills that keep mounting. Believe me, I can relate.

But I have learned that worry ~ even one minute of worry ~ is completely 100% counter-productive to the results I want. Even if I forget for a second that my thoughts are creating my reality, and I take a long logical look at how I come off to others when I’m anxious, really it’s not an attractive picture. It’s clear to me that my perfect customers will not recognize me at all when I am not being my true, authentic self. And doesn’t that make sense?

Now coming back to the fact that our thoughts do create our reality, can you see how worry is working against your dreams coming true? In fact, worry is a negative future projection. In the book “The Law of Attraction,” Abraham-Hicks points out that even 17 seconds of continuous intention around a desire will start that desire coming to you. Unfortunately, focusing on a possible negative outcome, especially when coupled with strong emotion, is a powerfully creative act, though we may not like the outcome!

When I first read “The Law of Attraction,” I stopped to remember the last time I had spent a solid 17 seconds focusing on my positive intent without considering the opposite or my ‘shadow of a doubt.’ It was challenging to remember a time outside of a self-help workshop where I had stayed completely positive for that long. That was an eye opener! Now with my penchant toward negative thinking revealed, I am empowered to try something new, a worry-free approach to marketing.

learned that staying true to my purpose and focused on the positive aspects is vital to the Attraction Marketing process. Toward that end, I’d like to share some tips I’ve learned to RELAX, kick back and attract my perfect customers.

TIP 1: Be Kind to Yourself ~ spend 15 minutes doing something you love. Sometimes a whole day can fly past without me stopping to smell the daisies. Now I make sure to go out to my garden at least 15 minutes a day to be with my beautiful plants. What is your favorite thing to do? Stop what you’re doing now and go do that for 15 minutes. Notice how attractive you feel when you do what you love.

TIP 2: Make your Strategic Attraction PlanTM: One way to focus on what we like and want to attract is by creating our Strategic Attraction Plan TM (SAP) This simple 4 part plan helps us determine what is most perfect for us in our business and our life. Visit for a free 1 hour recorded lesson on creating your SAP.

TIP 3: Take Attractive Actions: It is always wise to take a proactive approach when marketing. The key is to make the act of marketing fun and expressive for you. Consider what you love to do and then look for ways to combine that with a creative marketing act. Maybe you love to do yoga… so grab your mat and your biz card, post card or flier and find places to post your ad on your way to yoga class. Or perhaps you like to party, so plan a party where you and everyone gets to show off their products and services. Or if you like to write, write an article or blog entry and send it off to your list. Obviously that’s one of my favorite fun marketing actions~!

TIP 4: Get Some Help: Sometimes you just need help getting your marketing engines running. You may need a new image, or a website update, or you may want to learn how to get to page one of google. I have a variety of offerings at different price points that may be a perfect option for you to start stressing less and attracting more of your perfect customers today. Visit to learn more about Magical Marketing.

REMINDER: My 10 week Webinar for web-challenged individuals “Attracting Perfect Customers Online” starts Tuesday, June 24 at 3:30 pm pacific time. Call me and ask for your special discount: 707-823-3316. See for more information.

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